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Dharma Heirs of Je Tsongkapa
The Gelugpas

Some of Je Tsongkapas teachers and transmissions which he received from them.
Namkha Gyältsän - Lam Rim and the Instruction Lineages

Chökyab Zangpo - The Kadam Classical Lineage
|_ Je Tsongkhapa (1357-1419)
|_ Gyeltsab Dharma Rinchen* (1364-1432)
|_ Khedrub Geleg Pelsang (1385-1438) The "first" Panchen Lama
|_ Jamyang Chöjey Tashi Pelden (1379-1449)
|_ Jamchen Chöjey Shakya Yeshe
|_ Jey Sherab Sengey
|_ Kunga Dhondup (1354-1435)
|_ Gyalwa Gendrün Drub (1391-1474) posthumously named as the 1st Dalai Lama

Theravāda Mahāyāna Vajrayāna Resources, etc.

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